Friday, March 25, 2011


hmmm...lmnye x update blog....xde mase kot??
tp rasenye lebih tepat kalo ckp xde internet..hihi...
so skang dh renew broadband pny service yg dh lm terbengkalai...

so i'm juz got home last 2 weeks...very2 tired that time...
but still happy to see my wife was healthy & her smile welcoming me home...
tp the most unexpected thing happened on the next day...
she admitted due to some problem with our baby...
and she must deliver our baby ASAP...
but the baby still have 3 weeks to go...
bedebar jantung ni...
dh la penat x hbs lg...tdo pn x cover lg...
5 hari dh blk kpl,tp i juz at home for 18 hours...
2 mlm tdo dlm kete...hihihi...
u blm kire tdo ms tggu doc check wife...
lantak la...
mmg ms tu sgt ngantok...
so ape ley buat...
tp everything were paid off...
11/3/11 @ 11:33am, my syg delivered our HuMaiRa...
selamat sume...
my baby & wife sihat...
even my baby x la beso mane (2.72kg)...
i'm grateful to have u HuMaiRa...(walaupn mule2 ingt baby boy)...
x kisah la..
baby girl pn comel gak ape...
n plg best is she looks really like me....
muke & attitude (ni yg klaka)...
tgk sndri baru tau knp yea...

anyway,walupn penat, syukur sumenye selamat...
skang akulah jd sura rumah...
so xpe la...hrp2 x la lm sgt...aku x cover lg tdo yg tertangguh selama 6 bln dl...
lg 2.5 bln nk sailing blk...tangguh lg 6 bln...
syg n HuMaiRa cpt sehat ek...