Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quintero, Chile

oh...dh almosy 7 ari kt cni...
anchor je dl...
takde instruction for discharging dr BP...
sume TBC....
tp bgs gak...
kalo mcm ni aku dpt gain seatime secara free...
kalo dpt 2 minggu lg best...
tp yg tak bape best tu sini agak sejuk especially awal pg...
but no big deal la kan since temperature juz 10 degree je...

Me in Valparaiso...Paradise lol
Quintero ni tak la jauh mane ngan Valparaiso...
kalo naik kete juz 40 minit je...
so i took the opportunity tok explore sikit Chile yg aku tak penah sampai nih...
well, agak cantik gak...
especially pantai dia...
maklum la Chile ni menghadap pacific ocean...
so air dia btl2 jernih...
tp sayangnye byk batu dari pasir...hahaha...
jadi x byk la tempat org cni bley bogel2 sunbathing...

aku juz g cuci mate cikit & shopping...
brg2 dia more or less same mcm mesia gak hargenye...
aku bli 1 jacket & few baju tok my little angle...
honestly i'm very2 excited to see my little angle now...
she seems to be extremely cute now...
miss u soo much la maira...

hmm...what about my syg plak??
really feel uneasy rite now coz ever since i joined this ship, i juz called her once...
on our anniversary...
then i never call again...
i want to hear her voice nagging me...
walaupn tak sedap mane,tp rindu bile tak dengar...
tu la dia love...
something yg kite ssh nk express keadaan dia...
tp i will say I Love U syg every chance i get...
now i fall in love again...
but still with the same person...

Sunday, September 4, 2011


well, dh 3 ari kt Texas City ni...
tak abis lg loading...
ade lg 64000 bbls to go...
tp stop operation lak...angin kuat...

hmm...ari ni tetiba je rindy sgt kt syg & maira...
my syg br upload gambr baru maira...
she's getting more cute...
hahahaha...love u la maira...

nk ckp pe kt cni ek??

ok la..cmni...
to my wife Nurul Azri,
abg ucapkan terima kasih kerana sudi jadi teman hidup abg...
terima kasih sebab sabar menanti abg pulang ke sisimu...
terima kasih kerana tidak merungut sendirian menguruskan keluarga...
Syabas kerana berjaya membesarkan anak kita...
Syukur sebab syg & maira sihat sepanjang abg takde...
hanya tuhan yg mampu balas ape yg syg dh korbankan untuk kite...
abg bersyukur syg jadi teman hidup abg...
abg berdoa jodoh kite kekal selamanya...
abg tau syg bukan yg pertama...
tp biarlah syg yg terakhir untuk abg...
maafkan abg lambat menyahut cinta syg...
tp alhamdulillah citamu syg tak pernah berpaling...
abg juga berdoa syg akan terus tabah melalui hari mendatang...

to our little HuMaiRa, my grateful to Allah yg menghantar seorng penyeri hidup papa & mama...
kehadiran maira sgt bermakna...
walaupn perjalan tu mmg sukar, tp papa berdoa penghujungnya nti adalah yg terbaik...
jadilah seorg insan yg berguna...
seorg insan yg tabah & sabar...
seorg insan yg berakhlak mulia...
jgnlah mudah mengeluh & putus asa...
hadapilah dgn sepenuh hati...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Texas City, USA

Salam Lebaran semua..
Alhamdulillah aku dh selamat sampai kt Texas City USA...
On my way here, kapal kene Hurricane IRENE...
mcm nk capsize kpl ni jdnye...
tp nsb baik la xde pape...
tp harte bende atas kpl byk gak yg jahanam...

now, back to Hari Raya Celebration...
ape nk ckp yea??
xde kot...
really nothing here...
kuih raye tu dgr name je la....
nsb baik ade org takbir...
tu je la tanda ade org yg beraya ats kpl...
knp la the damn Chidambaram Thennapan tu suh org keje pepagi raye...
tp dia sedap2 begolek kt umah @ makan angin...
from what i'm concern, misc declare holiday for this hari raya...
means ats kpl ni x yah keje on hari raya...
but why this thing happen???
kalo diorg baya OT xpe gak...
if they declare holiday, maknenye kapal stop...no one need to work...
tp kpl x boley stop...by hook or by crook mesti keje...
tp knp bile keje x baya OT???
x patut2...
ade mase nti nk clarify ngan opis la mende ni...
baru fair...

well, lusa kapal msk port...
load ULSD (ultra low sulphur diesel)
disch port???
Quintero, Chile...
cpt la kapal smpai singapore...
aku mau pulang...

Monday, August 22, 2011




lame tol update blog ni...
well, juz abis bace blog my beloved wife...
dia dh komplen lm tak update blog ni...
mmg lm dh rasenye...
dkt 3 bln dh kot...
mcm sawang ade ni...
sarang tikus,nyamuk,tupai & ulat geluntor pn ade...

well, currently i'm in Quincy, Boston Massachusetts, USA...
tgh discharge minyak kelapa dara dr filipin...
well, not really minyak kelapa dara la...
name dia COCHIN...tp sebab aku tak tau nk panggil name melayu dia,aku juz letak minyak kelapa dara...

hmmm....skang atas MT Bunga Bakawali kitorg mengalami kekurangan kakitangan yg kronik...
serious ni...
kalo sorg je lg hilang enough to stop us to sail this ship...
so phm2 je la yae...
we are really at the minimun safe manning...
org cine ckp ngam2 soi....
23 crews...
compare ngan kapal lain,mmg dh beza...
diorg ade at least 27-29 crews...

so ape lg,sume keje kene divide 6 jam sorg...
senang ckp 6 hrs work & 6 hrs rest in 12 hrs...
damn...terkene aku kpl ni...
ngape la opis wat gni...
honestly aku ckp aku terlalu pnt....
bkn seminggu gni...
almost 2 months...

dan plg aku sedih, aku dh miss pose selama 10 ari...
ape nk wat...mmg tak larat...
pasni aku tekad takkan join kapal baru...
offer la ape sekali pn...
jawapan aku TAK NAK!!!!!!!!!!!!
asshole pnye Aslina....

lg 1 mende yg aku tak suke, bridge team skang ni aku sahaja warga malaysia...
what the hell...
mmg aku btl2 tekene kapal ni...
sabo je la...

well, lg few days nk raya...
tp aku dh takde ati nk raya...
mayb sbb aku dh byk miss pose & keje yg makin menimbun....
i hope time will fly faster...
aku nk blk cpt2...
tak larat aku keje gni...
better aku pacak Melati je...

ok la...enough la wat dose ngutuk org...
nk tido lak...
dh kul 3 pg ni...
kul 6 kang nk duty lak...

chao dl...

Friday, March 25, 2011


hmmm...lmnye x update blog....xde mase kot??
tp rasenye lebih tepat kalo ckp xde internet..hihi...
so skang dh renew broadband pny service yg dh lm terbengkalai...

so i'm juz got home last 2 weeks...very2 tired that time...
but still happy to see my wife was healthy & her smile welcoming me home...
tp the most unexpected thing happened on the next day...
she admitted due to some problem with our baby...
and she must deliver our baby ASAP...
but the baby still have 3 weeks to go...
bedebar jantung ni...
dh la penat x hbs lg...tdo pn x cover lg...
5 hari dh blk kpl,tp i juz at home for 18 hours...
2 mlm tdo dlm kete...hihihi...
u blm kire tdo ms tggu doc check wife...
lantak la...
mmg ms tu sgt ngantok...
so ape ley buat...
tp everything were paid off...
11/3/11 @ 11:33am, my syg delivered our HuMaiRa...
selamat sume...
my baby & wife sihat...
even my baby x la beso mane (2.72kg)...
i'm grateful to have u HuMaiRa...(walaupn mule2 ingt baby boy)...
x kisah la..
baby girl pn comel gak ape...
n plg best is she looks really like me....
muke & attitude (ni yg klaka)...
tgk sndri baru tau knp yea...

anyway,walupn penat, syukur sumenye selamat...
skang akulah jd sura rumah...
so xpe la...hrp2 x la lm sgt...aku x cover lg tdo yg tertangguh selama 6 bln dl...
lg 2.5 bln nk sailing blk...tangguh lg 6 bln...
syg n HuMaiRa cpt sehat ek...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year....

hmmm...the new 2011 is coming...(kt USA blm lg..tp Mesia dh)...
whoa...dgn penuh harapan aku hrp aku dpt jd seorg yg lbh baik...
as a husband & also a father..
tak sgka yg cpt btl the time passed...
n the most unbelieveable thing is aku hanya d mesia utk 2.5 months je thn 2010...
hmmm...cian my syg..
mst dia rindu sgt kt aku...
xpe ye syg..abg almost otw blk dh ni...
saba ek...
to our baby,be a good child ek...
papa syg haziq...
i'm really sorry to leave u n ur mama behind...
this is my job...
grow well kid...i'm looking fwd to see u seeing the world...
like ur papa...hahaha...
love u soooo much....