Monday, August 30, 2010

Good news..

hmm...ari ke 4 my syg kt spital...well aku nampak sikit perkembangan...this is a good news for me..dia dh blh makan bubur..i'm really happy to see that..tgh ari td aku bawak bubur...abis dia makan & dia tak vomit..ptg td lak,my mom bwk lagi bubur n sup for her...dia makan gak without vomit..hihihi..Thank God..& dia pn dh tukar diet kt spital...makan bubur lagi..tak kisah la..janji dia sihat cepat sikit...tak sampai ati tengok dia muntah aje bile makan..

Saturday, August 28, 2010


hmm...dh 3 ari my wife still d same...keep vomiting bile makan @ minum...sume mende aku dh try still muntah..what is right & what went wrong??betul2 blurr(@_@)!@#$%^&*()_+...aku tak pikir yg dia tu muntah sebab hormone unbalance...lagi teruk dari orang gastrik...kalo hormone unbalance takkan la sampai admitted...tol tak??ape lagi yg aku boley bg dia makan @ minum setidak2nye dia tak vomit??bubur,nasik, roti,buah,susu,jus, 100+, air zam zam,gulai lemak,kari,telur,ikan,ayam,daging,mee,maggi,tom yam...hadoi..buntu aku bile pikir mende nih..
aku rasa la,doctor pn blurr(@_@)!@#$%^&*()_+ macam aku gak kot..sebab tu la dia pn wat macam wife aku tu takde pape..padahal vomit depan dia...dlm sejam ade la dlm 10 kali...
ntah la..aku juz boley doa n saba banyak2 je skang ni...i hope both of them will be fine...Syg,be strong yea..


today is the 3rd day my wife in the hospital...hmm..bile dia nk discharge pn tak tau la..hopefully cepat la dia recover..aku dh tak senang duduk dh kt uma la kan dia duk sorang2 je dalam wad tu..aku tak ley teman sebab tu wad pempuan..

i know she's been thru a lot of things without me with her..for this i thank her as much as i could..n i swear to love her for my entire life..cepat sembuh ek syg..tak lama lg abg dh nk sailing...i can feel it..i know that going to sea now is not a good idea..but i've to choose this so that i'll be around when our baby is coming (i think someday on April next year)..

syg,soooo sorry for keeping this from you..bkn nk i don't u to feel's bad for u n our baby..syg jaga kesihatan yek..Love you sooo much..

juz begun...

1st day in this blog...
ape nak tulis???haha..xpe la..tulis aje..juz begun...

Actually aku tak tau pun camne nak blogging bedal jek la...hihi...